Saturday, August 31, 2019

Reward System in Educational Settings Essay

The reward systems used in educational settings originates from psychology of behavior that specifically gives specific emphasis on promoting good discipline in educational settings. Education institutions are able to make significant differences in children’s behavior through setting out definite rules and stipulating sanctions and rewards for violating them. The fundamental nature of such systems is the idea that students can choose how to conduct themselves. Therefore, by rewarding and recognizing good behaviors whereas bad ones are punished, it is believed that students will aspire to choose good behaviors. A number of psychologists argue that in most cases education institutions focus on rectifying bad behaviors only rather than recognizing or reinforcing good behavior among students. They therefore criticize such an approach as being too basic because it eliminates the framework within which students’ conduct occurs and leaves total liability up on individual for their behavior. Although such criticizing arguments have been put forward, reward systems have been widely adopted in most education institutions especially primary and secondary schools. There are argued to impact positively on student’s behavior and performance as well as to teachers (Kohn, 1993). In regard to this, psychologists have explained the reward systems using a number of learning theories which relates the psychology and education disciplines. Learning is the means through which cognitive, emotional, and environment influences and experiences suitable for enhancing, acquiring, or making ones skills, knowledge, and values are brought together. Thus, the learning process puts emphasis on events that occur in the learning environment and this is explained by a number of learning theories. The learning theories clarify on how animals and people learn thus aiding us to understand the inherent complex learning process. All the learning theories which have been put forward by various psychologists are grouped into three categories: cognitive, behavior, constructivism and social-cognitive. Motivation of students is the basic necessity to guarantee success of any education enterprise. The dynamics of motivation can be explained as the types of academic and social goals which students brings into the classrooms, motivating elements of such goals, and the existing reward systems that together control the quantity and quality of learning as well as the will to keep on learning (Deci & Ryan, 1986). Motivation has been categorized by psychologists into four groups: instrumental motivation, achievement motivation, intrinsic motivation, and social motivation. However, more than one type of motivation may occur to a student at a given time. Instrumental motivation as a type of motivation is exclusively extrinsic because students carry out tasks as they are influenced by probable final consequences such as the probability of acquiring material rewards or keeping away from a reprimand. Therefore, in cases of such motivation, teachers are supposed to ensure that tasks being performed are put in contexts that students perceive pleasant. Social motivation argues that students execute tasks in order to please people they admire, respect or whose views are of significance to them. In regard to this social motivation, rewards have no significance although tangible as well as immaterial. Besides, rewards are correlated expressly to the perceived association between the learners and the teachers or instructors whose underpinning activities such as praise and approval are considered important. Achievement motivation involves students learning and hoping for success and it has three components: cognitive drive –whereby students attempts to satisfy identified ‘need to know’; self enhancement –learners satisfy the call for self-respect; affiliation –learners seek support from others; Intrinsic motivation is characterized by the absence of external rewards hence tasks are undertaken for the pleasure and satisfaction they bring the students. It appears to be fundamental to high quality participation in an undertaking as well as being self-terminating and self-maintaining. Curiosity and a desire to meet challenges may characterize the learning of students motivated in this style (Ardord, 2006). To clearly explain the system of reward in schools, a few theories are explained. Maslow’s theory of motivation focuses on a person’s striving for excellence and he explained this through ‘hierarchy of human needs’. Maslow pointed out that every human being is a ‘wanting animal’ hence he supposed that an individual’s behavior at any given time is dominated by his/her needs that have largest potency. As lower level psychological needs of a person are sufficiently achieved, the needs for higher level psychological needs come in handy. In the context of education, Maslow’s theory argues that students cannot and/or are not willing to learn or put more effort if their basic needs are not provided or met. Therefore, students require psychological needs to be met alongside their safety feelings and a sense of belonging. Such leads to spontaneous sense as learners who are hungry will not concentrate, nor will learners who are bullied and neither will learners who perceive to be outsiders and without friends. According to Maslow, learners are motivated if they are self-actualized and any hindrances affects learning environment considerably (Ibid, 2006). Skinner came up with a theoretical framework referred to as operant conditioning to explain that human beings cannot learn best without being provided or promised with a reward. He argued that human beings like every other organisms makes a direct and anticipated response –operant- when they are aware that there is a reward. Therefore, in cases where a response happens and emphasized, there is increased probability that it will happen again when a comparable stimulus is present. Hence, skinner argued that student’s tend to learn best when behavioral change occurs. In his experiment, Skinner had come up with learning units referred to as ‘contingencies of reinforcement’. These are sequences within which behaviors or responses are followed by reinforcing stimuli. The outstanding learning principle in this theory states that behaviors/responses are naturally produced without bring out stimuli. Besides, such behaviors are operants as their production can be instrumental in punishing or reinforcing consequences among students. Therefore, this theory is useful in understanding a person’s learning, social interaction, and human development via making open a number of normal law relationships created into human life by God. Thus, the theory concurs on the necessity to have a system of reward in schools based on students’ behavior which seems notable (Tayo, 2001). Penn in his work argues that in self-worth theory, motivation is the one of most vital factors to determine the attitude of learners as well as their behavior as a sense of self-respect. The answer to self-worth is learner’s perception of his/her own capability particularly when compared to others. If an imaginary hierarchy of self-worth is drawn, learners will tend to give ability the first priority, followed by effort and performance. The theory as claimed can be explained by equating both worth and ability. The author quoting other psychologists writes that applying personal goal-setting arrangements (gives learners a chance to define their own criteria for success), outcome-based evaluation and instruction (slower learning students experience success without competing with faster learning students), attribution learning (facilitates uninterested learners to consider failure being the lack of effort instead of ability), and cooperative learning activities (facilitates learners in understanding that individual effort contributes to personal as well as group goals) removes barriers to achieving motivation and redirects learners’ behavior far away from letdown-avoiding activities in educational settings (Penn, 2002). Extrinsic and intrinsic motivation theories differ only in terms of goals that different student have. Intrinsic motivation argues that students study just for the sake. The learners derive personal satisfaction as well as learning new ideas from learning and regard the m as a reward (Anti-Bullying Network, 2000). On the other hand, extrinsically motivated students are influenced by outside influences for instance praise from peer and teacher, attaining good grades, and/or any other form of reinforcement a peer or teacher can offer. Some people have argued that intrinsically motivated students tend to learn more as compared to those who are extrinsically motivated. Reason may be because intrinsically motivated learners as well extrinsically motivated. However, extrinsically motivated learners are seldom motivated intrinsically. Extrinsic rewards encompasses use of tangible rewards such as payments and gifts so as to keep learners interested in particular subjects as well as motivate them (Deci & Ryan, 2002). Intrinsic motivation has for a long time been criticized for its unconstructive influence on intrinsic motivation as well as being claimed to have a short term effect. In regard to intrinsic motivation, learners have the feelings of self-determination, pride, and competence. However, students are highly interested in activities when they are motivated by gifts, prizes, grades, or money as long as they received anticipated reward. Therefore, with time a student who receives a reward for their performance in a particular subject, they gradually become interested in it and develop intrinsic motivation. A big difference exists between tangible rewards (candy, money, certificates) and verbal rewards (praise, positive feedback). Tangible rewards influences intrinsic motivation negatively and destroy self-regulation (Wilson & Corpus, 2001). Conclusion Although the reward system has for a long time been applied in schools, a couple of issues need to be addressed if it will remain effective. Teachers and parents needs to be consistent in using rewards and sanctions, the reward system whether individual, cooperative or competitive should be monitored on regular basis, keeping-off from rewards that have monetary worth or those that indicates that school tasks are of no value, and making certain that rewards are deserved and genuine rather than being routine (Anti-Bullying Network, 2000). Whichever the reward system an education institution adopts, a positive culture in schools is established reason being efforts and good behaviors of the pupils are recognized. Thus, most students tend to put more effort so as to achieve established rewards and as a result the overall performance of school improves.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Democratic Convention

Several dozens of years ago Conventions of parties were an important part of American political life. Although nowadays their role is a bit decreased, still the electors watch results of Conventions with great interest.Democratic Convention of this year gave possibility to John Kerry to introduce him to that part of American electorate, which doesn’t know him well. Still, the electorate knows quite well who is George Bush – as he was the President for 4 years.So, Republican Convention will not add much information to those opinions about Bush, which are already exist, although his speech is prominent, as usual and in some extent, shows him from a bit new point of view.We can see some changes in Conventions as well: last time directly at Conventions who candidates competed for nomination from Party – Jerald Ford and Ronald Reagan (it took place in 1976 and we are speaking about Republicans), but if approval of candidate changed into clear formality, can the Americ an political scientists continue to examine Convention as a key event of party political struggle?I think, to some extent it is correct, even if we take into account that candidate is usually determined to the beginning of Convention, and we are not expecting any surprises. It became a part of election campaign, but it is very important part of it.The Convention is a kind of enchanting sight which gives an opportunity to candidate to present his speech, where he will give idea of himself and his program, – and then it results his rating. Actually, Republican Convention is an answer to Democratic Convention, which took place in Boston from July 26 to July 29.It is quite difficult position: while George Bush can refer to his statement of service, John Kerry can refer only to his promises. But from the other side, if Bush’s statement of services can be interpreted not only to his favor, and many of electors treat it exactly to his disfavor, we have the struggle between re ality and promises.More then 35 thousand of people took part in Democratic Convention. During Convention they informed American society about life of John Kerry and John Edwards, about their great services to American society in the struggle for interests of middle-class and about their plans to build stronger and more independent America.Stephanie Tubbs-Jones told about plans to create new working places and economics, which will be more stable in interests of middle-classes. Tammy Baldwin presented program of cheaper and more affordable health-care system. Bob Menendez explained main points of Democratic program in the field of foreign policy.The most important event was final speech of candidate to President John Kerry, directly before procedure of official closure of Convention. The present structure of Convention was the most multi-national during the whole history of Party according to information of Democratic National Convention Committee (DNCC). More then 40% of participant s consisted of national minorities of the USA. More then 10 thousand of people registered as volunteers in order to help the party during Convention.Historically, Republicans had more strong positions at more rich and industrialized north of America, and Democrats – at more poor â€Å"village† south. But during the last 50 years their positions changed: Democrats dominate at the North of America and Republicans – at the South.Democrats lay special stress on expansion of governmental role, and Republicans lay stress on decreasing of governmental role, taxes, etc. Another point of differences is program of so-called â€Å"affirmative actions†. Democrats support giving advantages to race and other minorities when receiving job or education; – this was the reason that African-American gave their votes in their favor.Democrats consider themselves supporters and defenders of interests of working class and people with low income. Republicans present inter ests rather of business and wealthy citizens. Their party also includes Christian conservators.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Human Geography Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Human Geography - Research Paper Example The lions are of diverse traits, which demand a lot from the human environment. The often-perceived disagreement between the wildlife and humans lead to a great conflict. Sustainability implies that the lions should be capacitated into the societies without compromising their existence and peace. The frequencies of human-lion conflicts have been on the increase in the recent years. The conservation strategies should be that jeopardize the existence of the animals and the people. The sustainable strategies in the conservation of the entire environment imply the use of eco-friendly measures to arrest the situations of environmental destruction that trigger human-wildlife conflicts. The wildlife sanctuaries should be fenced with electric wires so that the lions do not scheme out of the ranches to reduce the causes of the eco-conflicts. Humans, under these regulations, they should be educated on the ways of dealing with the lions without causing harm to them. Introduction People strive t o prevent the animals from destroying their environment while the animals adapt to the harsh environment created by the people to be more wild and destructive. The counteraction between the two entities, humans and wildlife, leads to a more coarse coexistence in such ecosystems (Powell, 55). To reverse the tremendous effects of the lions on the human environments and vice versa, conservation of the lions need to be addressed. The lions require to be protected from the effects of human activities in the ecosystems. This is a conflict mitigation measure as the continuous collisions of the people and lions as the lions are conserved through proper fencing of the wildlife territories. The infringement of the territories by either the lions or the people causes the conflict (Quammen, par 53-55). Literature Review and the Historical Background Human-wildlife conflicts is not a contemporary issue as the explosion of human population began to affect the wildlife areas long in the mid of 21s t century. Different scholars and academic professionals have given focus on the causes of human-wildlife conflicts. Some have talked on the issues of effects of the conflicts on the environment and the entire ecological systems. The specifications have addressed the issues and concerns over the link between the humans and the lions in the societies. Addressing and suggesting the concern of the need to address the conflict between humans and lions. There have been documents and public address on the need to conserve the carnivores, like the lions. The conservation of lions was a book that focused on the ways to reduce the human-lion conflict. My paper identifies the need to address the issues on sustainable methods of reversing, curbing the human-lion conflict while conserving the lions (Cromsigt 544). Research Questions In this study, I have sought to answer the following questions in relation to the theme of the study. 1. What are the major causes of the human-wildlife conflicts? The answer to which is a tip to realize the solutions to the problems caused by human-conflict. 2. What are the effects of human-lion conflicts? 3. What are the potential solutions to the problems of this form of conflict within the societies? 4. How can we as humans achieve a sustainable equilibrium to resolve the conflicts? 5. What are the measures that the authorities should take to reverse the frequency of the occurrence of the conflicts? 6.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Violence Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Violence - Research Paper Example It was a role that only become more complex following the age of American slavery, when the woman of color was not just a servant or a woman, but a sexual tool to be used at will by whichever man has current rights to her. The question of the modern age, then, can be put in terms of who has control of the woman’s sexuality, the woman or the man who ‘owns’ her. This struggle over who has control of the woman’s sexuality is one of the primary themes that runs through Alice Walker’s novel The Color Purple. As Celie develops from an oppressed black woman of the South to a liberated woman of the modern age, the elements of symbolic sexism are exposed both within the novel. Alice Walker’s novel The Color Purple (1982), investigates the black American woman’s experience of double oppression, first as a black person and then, more significantly, as a woman, elements that are present to different degrees within the film version (1985). The main character, Celie, is presented as a black woman heavily oppressed, trained early to be subservient and completely conventional in her ideas as a result. Through epistolary segments, the maturation process of Celie is revealed in letters to God until Celie can’t accept Him as a protective figure anymore and then Nettie, Celie’s sister, upon her discovery that Nettie is still alive. These letters indicate Celie’s changing ideas and strengthening resolve to reclaim her sexuality and femininity as something to be treasured and something only she should control. Influenced by the appearance of strong women within her world, such as her step-son’s wife and especially the ‘wild-woman’ Shug, Celie is able to find inner strength and value she never suspected. By the end of the novel, Walker’s Celie has become a confident, powerful and successful business woman growing old in the love of her family and defining her own boundaries. The female cha racters sympathize with the male characters to the point where women ultimately relinquish the power and strength gained by the other characters in the novel, still illustrated through the traditional symbolic sexism that places women at the mercy of, or at least still anxious to satisfy, the whims of men. Within the book, Celie’s progression occurs in an obvious progression rather than the subtle movement of the character. Celie begins the novel in poverty of spirit and opportunity. As a young black girl living on a 1930s cotton farm in the South, she is isolated from the rest of her community and immediately placed on the bottom rung of society in that she is black and she is female. This means she is oppressed by the white people as well as oppressed by the black men. At 14 years old, her mother is already worn out from life and soon dies while Celie becomes her father’s new sexual and emotional outlet, a mere object upon which he can vent. While her emotions of gui lt, shame and despair as the two children he fathers on her are taken away â€Å"to be with God† are revealed in her nearly illiterate diary, these feelings never come close to being considered by those around her. â€Å"Not only was Celie’s initiation into sexual experience in the form of rape committed by her stepfather, but

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Specific Background Information in Relation to AIDS Research Paper

Specific Background Information in Relation to AIDS - Research Paper Example Specifically with Australia, it is officially known that â€Å"from the start of the epidemic until the end of 2009, there have been 29,395 diagnoses of HIV and 10,446 diagnoses of AIDS. Australia has recorded 6,776 AIDS deaths† (AVERT, 2010). In terms of AIDS, the country has recorded downward infection rates since 2005 from 234 to 90 in 2009. However with new HIV infections, there has been rising new prevalence and infection rate since the same period of time. This is an alarming situation. The graph below represents data on new HIV and AIDS infection rates for Australia for a decade from 1999 to 2009. Source: AVERT (2010). Australia HIV & AIDS Statistics From the graph, it can be seen that the new infections of HIV generally rise whiles that of AIDS generally decrease. The truth however is that all people having HIV will eventually contract AIDS and so if there is something to be worried about most, it should be the new HIV, which unfortunately keeps going up. Statement of Problem The present problem for which a strategy needs to be developed is the seemingly low level of awareness on the risk factors associated with the HIV disease and how the key risks associated with the disease can be prevented or minimized. Lately, there is a globally low trend on the campaign against HIV because of the general downward infection rates recorded of late. AVERT (2010) notes that â€Å"the number of deaths probably peaked around 2004, and due to the expansion of antiretroviral therapy, declined by 19 percent between 2004 and 2009.† Because of this trend, governments, non-governmental agencies and other organized bodies that formally championed the campaign on HIV all seem to have coiled back into their shells. It is said to note that there continue to be low budgets allocated to HIV awareness programs because of the general assurance that the infection rate of HIV is going down. One very important factor that stakeholders who seem to be relaxing on their effo rts seem to be forgetting is the fact that low infection rates is not equal to zero infection rate. It is not as if HIV no longer affects new casualties. Sight must not even be lost of the fact that HIV continues to remain a non-curative disease and a disease that is still rated as an epidemic. Presently, there is no continent or country that has a zero infection rate. For this reason, there is a major problem of reduced awareness and thus the need to strategies means of uplifting the once vibrant campaign against HIV and AIDS infections in the country. Questions Motivating Research for Devising the Strategy The conduct of this research shall pivot around a number of questions. These questions are worth stating because they are going to serve as delimitations to the researcher in defining the kind of information to look out for and which information to leave out of the research. The questions are again worth stating because they will guide the researcher in knowing exactly what the research work seeks to achieve and scope that the research work may not deal with. The questions that are going to guide the conduct of the research and device of the strategy are therefore given as followers: 1. What is the global infection rate of

Monday, August 26, 2019

Aristotle's model of communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Aristotle's model of communication - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that Aristotle introduced his communication model in 300BC. The model focuses  the issues of public speaking and advice speakers to create speech for  various  listeners on a different occasion at different times. The orator plays a significant role in the public speaking, and he or she must organize the dialogue. The presenter should manipulate the audience and persuades them. Aristotle puts the narrator in the middle of the communication process. The communication message should have an effect on the audience; thus, it should affect the receiver. The presenter takes absolute charge in the communication; thus, the he or she should prepare points in a way that can persuade the listener. He or she should be aware of the targeted listeners before preparing the speech. For instance, the care provider should understand the needs of patients before making the dialogue. This is essential because it will enable him or her to meet the demandi ng needs of patients. Thus, the speech should address the setbacks of listeners and provide valuable solutions to the setbacks. The current communication theorists are built on Aristotle‘s model because this model is broadly accepted. Aristotle’s model plays significant roles in guiding many communication researchers. The recent developments in the communication field have led to increased interest in sharing the common characteristics. Thus, many communication theorists share some aspects from the model of Aristotle.... Therefore, many recent communication theorists rely on the model of Aristotle in explaining about their development of communication models. Communication barriers generate obstacles to valuable communication; thus contributing to misinterpretations that may lead to disagreements. Varied barriers to effectual communication exist in many organizations. First, noise is among the obstacles to effectual communication. It is not easy for one to pass the message to the audience in a noisy atmosphere. The message may appear meaningless, and the recipient or listener may understand it in a different way. Secondly, unorganized thought is influential to unsuccessful communication. Another obstacle is poor knowledge about the receiver and this may hinder effective communication. The information may be deemed unsuccessful in case the correspondent does not comprehend the recipient. This may lead to misinterpretations of information; thus results to poor conveyance of the message. Dissimilar cult ural levels may lead to obstacles for valuable communication. This is because diverse organizations have their own cultural ways of thinking or understanding. This may lead to unsuccessful communication in case the dispatcher does not comprehend them. Lastly, poor connection with the listener may hamper successful communication. A superior speaker should engage the listen in communication because avoiding the audience may lead to communication barriers. Communication styles in many organizations have dramatically changed because of poor organizational management and lack of effective communication skills. Bradshaw and Lowenstein (2011) argue that making effective communication in the

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Taking a Stand Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Taking a Stand - Research Paper Example This leaves students and lower level employees prone to bullying tactics such as being used as personal slaves by physicians or senior nurses ridicule and humiliate students in front of their colleagues and patients as well. Such bullying tactics differ with extremity depending on the organizational setup. There is a need for a moral agent within healthcare, among nurses since if this role is not fulfilled some of the detrimental effects include deflating of self-esteem which may disrupt their pursuit of the profession, low morale leading to employee turnover, absenteeism and low productivity affecting performance; all of which directly influence the success of the organization. Worse still, in some cases, the organization may end up incurring litigation fees, making out early retirement payouts, counseling fees for workers and compensation of workers. Therefore, it is apparent that individuals practicing nursing should take up the challenge of being the moral agent. Where they stand up and defend people being bullied, or if the one facing the bullying taking a firm stand regardless of the alienating position it leaves one in. It is unfortunate that there is no specific legal action open to majority of the bullying tactics present in the workplace. However, there are some laws under the Civil Rights Act and the Occupational Health and Safety Act that can be applied to certain scenarios if a protected class such as from a certain ethnicity is violated and if safety and healthful conditions are not met, respectively (Niles, 2012). As a moral advocate against aggression at the workplace, I would begin by informing fellow employees on the options open to them if they face any bullying. This would create a feeling of empowerment and confidence while carrying out their clinical duties and seeking knowledge from their seniors. Secondly, I would approach a senior physician and ask them to support my endeavor when I approach physicians to urge them to refrain from and w arn them about bullying through abuse of power or any other tactic. In order to get cooperation, I would educate the senior level nurses and physicians on the impact of bullying (Daly, Speedy and Jackson, 2003). By relaying this information, I believe it will create understanding on why it is important that any form of bullying be shunned and where one witnesses it, they should not tolerate it by merely standing by but instead rebuke the offender and support the victim. Thirdly, I would come up with a clear framework that defines what counts as bullying so as to avoid cases of misunderstanding. This would be contained in a document and placed in strategic positions within the hospital so that everyone can be informed and that no excuses of ignorance are allowed. Lastly and most importantly, I would encourage senior nurses to take up the role of mentors so as to support nursing students as this will not only benefit the students but will give them an opportunity to develop and nurtur e leadership skills, critical in advancing their careers (Randle, 2006). Concurrently, I would seek a concrete title that attracts attention from employees but does not deter low-level group from freely approaching me. This would ensure the position takes on a permanent standing within the organization, so that even upon my departure it continues

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Program for Homeless Alcoholics Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Program for Homeless Alcoholics - Research Paper Example One of the challenges the alcoholics face in the rehabilitation program is dealing with their own opinion of self- hesitation. Patients suffering from alcoholism addiction are meant to undergo therapeutic treatment within a program. They have several problems like handling life without reliance on the drugs that maintain them in addiction. Dipping onward in spite of these self- uncertainties are often the primary step in the way to a victorious recovery (Fineout-Overholt & Schultz, 2005). Besides being distrustful of themselves, there are frequently a few other individuals in the vicinity of the rehabilitation program who believe they will by no means conquer the challenges facing them. This is mainly true when the long-suffering individual is going in the course of rehab to regulate to life devoid of any limbs. This doubt often leads them back to alcoholism (Balas, & Boren, 2000). The sluggish process that is prevalent in affecting and physician treatment can over and over again be exasperating for therapy patients. This is predominantly factual when the patient is turning out to be worse instead of getting better during therapy. While in the process of a delay, it is problematical to remember that it is not extraordinary for alcoholic patients to obtain a small number of steps frontward only to go reverse to old habits. During these times when growth is sluggish or non- current, the patients have to over and over again appear away from the conditions of today and concentrate more on somewhere he or she needs to subsist for a number of months from the current day. From these challenges there is need to develop a plan for homeless alcoholics to go to in house rehab, learn a skill to help them get a job and at the end of the program assist them in finding a job and a place to live independently. Theoretical Framework The research will adapt the evidence-based put into practice models. These models have been developed to assist nurses move proof into effect (Dear holt 2008). The utilization of these models brings out a prearranged method to evidence-based put into practice, prevents unfinished implementation, and can make the most of use of treatment time and assets. There is no model of evidence-based put into practice is contemporary and can meet the requirements of all nursing environment (Feussner, & Demakis 2000). This proposal presents a methodical procedure that can be utilized by institutions to choose an evidence-based put into practice model that best tackles the requirements of a program. Rosswurm and Larrabee’s Model for Evidence-Based Practice Change Rosswurm and Larrabee (1999), from the University of West Virginia, urbanized a 6-step model to make possible a shift from conventional and perception -driven practice to implement evidence- based dynamics into practice (Figure 1.1). The model was experienced in the sensitive care experimental setting, but the writers imagine it is flexible to most important care surroundings . Below are the six steps of this model (Balas, & Boren, 2000). 1. Assess the necessitate for change in put into practice by comparing interior data with outside data 2. Association of the problem with procedures and products which has normal interventions, if potential 3. Combine the best proof (investigates and related evidence) 4. Intend a transform in put into pract

Strategic Diagnosis Project of the General Electric Company Research Paper

Strategic Diagnosis Project of the General Electric Company - Research Paper Example This essay stresses that GE aviation caters to commercial as well as military aircraft producers. Their exemplary research and development enables them to manufacture specialized engines for marine applications. GE aviation has a well established research set up, the research work carried out at GE’s research labs are the main reason for their latest and successful aircraft engine designs. GE aviation also provides services like engine exchange, on board service for aircrafts and technology up gradation. The engine exchange service of GE provides innovative solution for delivering the overhaul needs. In this service programme GE replaces the old engines of the aircraft with an overhauled engine. This service helps commercial and military aircraft operators in acquiring a fully functioning engine while their engine is removed for maintenance purpose. This paper makes a conclusion that the On wing support service of GE provides value added repair facility for customers at anyplace and at any time. This helps the aircraft operators to lower their operational cost and maximize their profit. GE aviation also offers various upgraded technologies for the aircraft running in old engines. This service provides the aircraft operators a cost effective way of upgrading their engines without incurring the cost of new engine. These up gradation are provided in customized packages to address each client requirement specifically.